Binary Globe

About Moodle X

Moodle X is the University’s secondary Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and has been setup to extend the standard functionality of the main Moodle site. The site will only be required in a small number of cases and remains the primary VLE for the majority of use.

The site is currently used to run the STACK and CodeRunner Moodle extensions, which offer sophisticated assessment methods for mathematics and computer programming. A brief overview of each these plugins is shown below:

STACK Question Types

The STACK system is a computer aided assessment package for mathematics, which provides a question type for the Moodle quiz.

The STACK question type adds a sophisticated assessment in mathematics and related disciplines, with emphasis on formative assessment underpinned by computer algebra.

More About STACK


CodeRunner is a Moodle question type that requests students to submit program code to some given specification, e.g. a Python function sqr(x) that returns its parameter squared.

The submission is graded by running a series of tests on the code in a sandbox, comparing the output with the expected output.

More About CodeRunner